Monday, October 26, 2015

Commercial Key Management System

Key management system locksmith Portland
Keys play significant role when it comes to the security of a business or commercial properties. There are many benefits of having the right type of key giving access to your business property. However, if such key will fall into the wrong hands for example, the business will have a lot to lose. To improve security and avoid these types of security breaches happening to your business property, implementing a key management system is very important.

Even though implementing a key management system include standard keys, it does make those keys significantly unique in a way that they will control the access to high security areas in the property as well as tracking where those keys were used. This way, the manager or owner of the business property will be able to determine who is in the property where and when. Other advantages are the assurance that only authorized employees will have access to certain keys depending on their security clearance, awareness of key copies that were not returned, and more.

Portland locksmith commercial key management system
One of the main purposes of implementing a key management system is minimizing the risk of keys being replicated by people who are not authorized to do so. Although such system cannot eliminate the risk completely of duplicating the keys, it does help enforcing the restriction by only enabling authorized personnel to get the correct key blanks for the duplication. The design of such management system is patented in a way that any unauthorized duplication attempt at the local hardware or locksmith shop would be denied.  

For more information about key management system for commercial properties, contact NorthWest Locksmith Portland (503) 825-2124.

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