Friday, October 24, 2014

GM Glove Box Lock

Removing the plug from the paddle handle style glove box on GM cars as the Olds-Cutlass Ciera, Cadillac models, and more, to get the last four cuts could be a real hassle for many locksmith technicians if you don't have the privilege of an extra hand. Impressioning those locks shouldn't be an issue and since there is enough 'slop' in the lock, the key does not have to be 100 percent accurate.

Once you have a key that will turn the plug, remove it, turn it over and notch on the bottom of the blade in line with the position of the number one wafer. Remember not to file anymore deeper than the top of the groove. It will be pointless to do so, and there is a good chance that the key will break if the plug will not turn smoothly.

Next step would be re-inserting the key in the lock, then to turn the plug into the 'stop' position, depress the retainer through the hole and turn the plug back to the 'removal' position. Now is when another blank can be inserted, determine your depths and precisely cut an operational key in order to continue progressioning the key.

Visit the following links for information about locksmith services in Portland, Oregon | Portland locksmith solutions.

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